Nurturing a Dysregulated Child
Next time you nurture a dysregulated child, notice how the breathing and heart rate decrease, and the body relaxes as they enter into a calmer biological and emotional state.
How we respond *most* of the time builds resilience against how we may respond some of the time, when we too are dysregulated.
A sincere apology and improved responses go a long way in modeling how to repair relational rupture. Which is inevitable.
We all need relational safety to grow an emotional resilience.
I think people struggle the most when they feel alone in their emotions.
When they have no-one, they trust to share their thoughts and dreams with, or empathize with their most uncomfortable feelings, mistakes and experiences.
Having a trustful compassionate person to share your true feelings with is life changing. It can be lifesaving.
Parents and caregivers are this safe place for children to empty out their hurts and fill up their love tank. It makes sense for them to find their own trusted adult people in order to unearth peaceful practices and become their own safe place too.
We all need to empty our hurts and fill our love tanks in ways that promote well-being. It's never too late to learn and practice how.