Our Kids Are Capable of So Much More Than We Realize
Is anyone else guilty of trying to do EVERYTHING for your kids?
As parents we have a tendency to do this without even realizing it.
It’s a quick way to burn out and become bitter as a parent.
The good news is, oftentimes our kids are capable of so much more than we think.
The easiest example is having your toddlers pick up their toys when they are done playing.
This teaches them ownership and responsibility.
And they are totally capable of doing this on their own!
We should provide our kids with opportunities to try new things because we believe they are capable.
Of course, we should provide support and guidance when it’s needed.
But give your kids a chance to surprise you with what they can do.
This will empower them and help them have the opportunity to build belief in themselves.
Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.
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