This stage in their childhood marks a period of transitioning from dependent to independent, childish reasoning to signs of maturity, and the hallmark of this age is the beginning of puberty. There may be some things you can adjust about handling kids at this phase of their life.
🟡 Nutrition
There may be a spike in food intake at this stage of their development due to the possible growth spurts that require an increased number of calories. Provide them with a variety of food that will help them meet the necessary nutrients for their growth. However, this is not an excuse to overfeed your child as this may lead to health problems in the future.
🟡 Physical Activity
It is recommended that children at this age get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. They should partake in aerobic activities such as riding a bike, jogging, or other sports that make them move around.
🟡 Socializing
At this age, kids enjoy spending an increased amount of time with their peers. This doesn't mean they dislike spending their time with you, but rather they are comfortable enough with their family that they feel free enough to spend time with friends, since they know you will always be there for them.
🟡 Sleep
Children at this age need at least 9-12 hours of sleep a day. But their sleep cycle may be affected by factors such as school, technology and the web, video games and the like. To improve their sleep schedule, you may have to limit their screen time and help them to budget their time more efficiently.
Remember, tweens should learn how to become independent in terms of taking care of their own hygiene, responsibilities and establishing their role in the household. You do not need to micromanage every aspect of their growth, but instead to foster a nurturing home that helps them achieve their goals and ideal self.
Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.