Your Development as A Parent

Your Development as A Parent

What do we tell parents when they’re worried about their child’s development? We say “every baby is different.” ⁠ 
We understand that children hit milestones when they’re ready, but what about parents? ⁠ 
We’re all so different. Some of us meet our babies and it’s love at first sight; others take a bit to really feel connected...⁠ 
Some parents transition to parenthood and feel like it was a natural process, for others it can feel foreign...⁠ 
It’s okay! We’re all different. We all develop on our own time. Don’t be consumed by where you “should be.” We’re all doing the best we can. ⁠ 
Did you feel like your development as a parent was different than you expected? What was harder than you anticipated? What felt more natural?⁠ 



Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.   





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