Mr Mizrahi's Blog

Teach Your Children to Love Themselves Unconditionally

Teach Your Children to Love Themselves Uncondit...

    We all want to raise healthy, happy, gregarious, confident children. Remember, your child's sense of self-love is taught, it is not a "given." As parents, we are responsible...

Teach Your Children to Love Themselves Uncondit...

    We all want to raise healthy, happy, gregarious, confident children. Remember, your child's sense of self-love is taught, it is not a "given." As parents, we are responsible...

Follow Through

Follow Through

    Children know when we mean what we say and when we don't. It’s usually best not to say anything unless you mean it and can say it respectfully and can...

Follow Through

    Children know when we mean what we say and when we don't. It’s usually best not to say anything unless you mean it and can say it respectfully and can...

When Kids Experience Complex Feelings

When Kids Experience Complex Feelings

    Kids experience complex feelings just like adults. They get frustrated, excited, nervous, sad, jealous, frightened, worried, angry and embarrassed.   However young kids usually don’t have the vocabulary...

When Kids Experience Complex Feelings

    Kids experience complex feelings just like adults. They get frustrated, excited, nervous, sad, jealous, frightened, worried, angry and embarrassed.   However young kids usually don’t have the vocabulary...

The Parent-Child connection

The Parent-Child connection

    The parent-child connection is the answer if we are having ongoing problems with our children.  The solution is to make a connection.  The answer is safety.  The solution...

The Parent-Child connection

    The parent-child connection is the answer if we are having ongoing problems with our children.  The solution is to make a connection.  The answer is safety.  The solution...

Our Children Occasionally Have Bad Days

Our Children Occasionally Have Bad Days

    Today, I'm sure someone needs to hear this. It's something we really have to remember on a regular basis.  Our children occasionally have bad days. No matter what...

Our Children Occasionally Have Bad Days

    Today, I'm sure someone needs to hear this. It's something we really have to remember on a regular basis.  Our children occasionally have bad days. No matter what...

Never Give up on Your Children

Never Give up on Your Children

    “The way we treat children will be carried within them for a lifetime. Be gentle. Be kind. Be loving. Today’s child is tomorrow’s adult.”    We should never...

Never Give up on Your Children

    “The way we treat children will be carried within them for a lifetime. Be gentle. Be kind. Be loving. Today’s child is tomorrow’s adult.”    We should never...